We are excited to announce that our warehouse has moved.

This move allows our team to expand our business and continue to meet the growing needs of our customers in additon to enhancing our operations thus supplying even better customer service.

As of June 10, our new warehouse is located at
3371 Erie Rd, Erie, MI 58133



Full Circle Sustainability from Coast to Coast

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What we do

Providing Customized Sustainability Solutions

Whether it’s common carp or other freshwater fish, state agencies, local lake associations, community governments, and more partner with our parent company WSB and FisH2O to manage invasive fish and improve or protect water quality and overall ecological integrity.   


Fresh Fish

Live Haul

Commercial Fishing

Integrated Management Programs


our mission

WHether you’re a processor, a wholesaler, a retailer, a commercial fisherman, or a grocery chain, we are dedicated to working with you and meeting your unique needs.

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